Sunday, June 4, 2017

CN Topic 6 Routing Protocols

Routing Protocols

A generic term that refers to a formula, or protocol, used by a router to determine the appropriate path over which data is transmitted. 

The routing protocol also specifies how routers in a network share information with each other and report changes. 

The routing protocol enables a network to make dynamic adjustments to its conditions, so routing decisions do not have to be predetermined and static.

Differences between Interior Gateway Protocols and Exterior Gateway Protocols.

Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) is a Routing Protocol which is used to find network path information within an Autonomous System.
Examples: RIP, OSPF, and IGRP.

Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) is a Routing Protocol which is used to find network path information between different Autonomous Systems. Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) is commonly used in the Internet to exchange routing table information. There is only one Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) exists now and it is Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
Examples: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for IP.

References: (2017). What is routing protocol? Webopedia Definition. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jun. 2017]. (2017). Difference between Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP). [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jun. 2017].

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