Monday, April 10, 2017

CN Topic 1 Lecture 4

5 main issue must be addressed when designing computer network.
Addressing, Destination of the messages must be specified.

Multiplexing, Same connections commonly used.

Routing, Sender and receiver contains several paths.

Flow control, Sender sent faster than receiver can receive.

Error control, The communication failed.

Explained why network modeled as a stack of layers.
So that the process it taken steps by steps process to preventing errors

Describe the role of an interface when modeling a network as a stack layers.
Interface helps network by providing guidelines

Explained the role played by a session in a network connection.
Network Administrator

State 7 layers of the OSI Reference Model in the correct order and briefly state the purpose of each layer.

-Layer 1: Physical
Layer 1, conveys the bit stream (electrical impulse, light or radio signal) through the network at the electrical and mechanical level.
Protocols: Wi-Fi, Telephone network modems

-Layer 2: Data Link
Layer 2, sets up links across the physical network, putting packets into network frames.
Protocols: Ethernet, Virtual Local Area Network(VLAN), Media Access Control(MAC)

-Layer 3: Network
Layer 3, provides switching and routing technologies, creating logical paths, known as virtual circuits, for transmitting data from node to node.
Protocols: Internet Protocol version 4(IPV4), Internet Protocol version 6(IPV6)

-Layer 4: Transport
Layer 4, provides transparent transfer of data between end systems, or hosts, and is responsible for end-to-end error recovery and flow control. It ensures complete data transfer.
Protocols: Border Gateway Protocol(BGP), Fibre Channel Protocol(FCP)

-Layer 5: Session
layer 5 establishes, manages and terminates connections between applications. The session layer sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations
Protocols: Zone Information Protocol(ZIP), Network File System(NFS)

-Layer 6:Presentation
layer 6, provides independence from differences in data representation (e.g., encryption) by translating from application to network format, and vice versa.
Protocols: Transport Layer Security(TLS), Apple Filing Protocol(AFP)

-Layer 7: Application
Layer 7, supports application and end-user processes.
Protocols: Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure(HTTPS)

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