Monday, April 10, 2017

CN Topic 2: Protocols

HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, and hypermedia information systems.

FTP - File Transfer Protocol
is used to transfer files between computers on a network.

IP - Internet Protocol
is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the internet.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
is a standard that defines how to establish and maintain a network conversation via which application program can exchange data.

POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3
is a standard mail protocol used to receive emails from a remote server to a local email client.

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
is an Internet standard for electronic mail (email) transmission.

IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol
is an Internet standard protocol used by e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail messages from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection.

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